:insert something clever:

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Jumping on the bandwagon

So, yeah...I got a blog. I'd been reading other people's blogs and I just thought "I need one of these..." And, this is silly, I was looking at some of my seedlings (I'm growing herbs) and I was thinking to myself, "Chives are so funny." And I wanted to tell someone...but...who wants to hear that? So...if I write it on a blog, maybe someone will read it. So, yeah. They look like grass, but they grow folded and then eventually unfold.... They're just a long skinny piece of grass, folded in half... I thought it was amusing.

We just played charades for z-group tonight. Some of the challenging phrases/words/etc included quid pro quo, imitation almond extract, Newt Rockney, and Ikia. Great times were had by all.

I think that's all for post #1. I hope you enjoyed.


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