:insert something clever:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spanish and Letters double major, minor in Botany?

So, yeah...I like plants. I was curious about what sorts of botany courses are to be had at this university and while looking around discovered that I would only need 15 hours to get a minor... I will have four already, and four out of fifteen is a lot, right? I know of at least one more I definitely want to take, a three hour course, seven out of fifteen is almost half.

Anyway, I've had a lovely day. Though, in terms of comparison, yesterday was more of a lovely one while today was cold and windy, but relaxing. Had breakfast with Mandy, went to church, skipped lunch, relaxed and read about plants. I used a journal abstract assignment for my botany class as an excuse, reading much more than was necessary... Currently I am avoiding reading different opinions on the death penalty. And, of course, thinking about changing my mind in what I want my degree to look like, if I ever get around to deciding and subsequently doing all that is required. That will be awhile, though. I'm wondering if I really want to do the letters route and wondering why I wanted to besides just taking really cool classes and being a well-rounded person. Maybe those were my reasons and are sufficient. Botany just seems neat. Definitely the minor over the major, though. I don't care too much about chem and other stuff required for the major. Just the stuff that applies to plants. To be fair, I admit that it all does, or you wouldn't have to take it, but I still think the minor would be sufficient to make up for my thumb not being as green as Elphaba's. Is it sad that when I saw a humidifier being sold for cheap I considered buying it for my plants?

If you've never carried a picnic blanket off to a park along with a couple of board games and an opponent--though it might be easier if you let the opponent walk instead of carrying him/her--then I suggest you do so on a day like yesterday. If it's more like today, make sure that you have the special travel board games equipped with magnets in the movable pieces. Actually, I recommend those type whether it is windy or not.

I think I had better get to those essays on the death penalty before morning.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Jumping on the bandwagon

So, yeah...I got a blog. I'd been reading other people's blogs and I just thought "I need one of these..." And, this is silly, I was looking at some of my seedlings (I'm growing herbs) and I was thinking to myself, "Chives are so funny." And I wanted to tell someone...but...who wants to hear that? So...if I write it on a blog, maybe someone will read it. So, yeah. They look like grass, but they grow folded and then eventually unfold.... They're just a long skinny piece of grass, folded in half... I thought it was amusing.

We just played charades for z-group tonight. Some of the challenging phrases/words/etc included quid pro quo, imitation almond extract, Newt Rockney, and Ikia. Great times were had by all.

I think that's all for post #1. I hope you enjoyed.